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npx remotion cloudrun render


Cloud Run is in Alpha, which means APIs may change in any version and documentation is not yet finished. See the changelog to stay up to date with breaking changes.

Using the npx remotion cloudrun render command, you can render a video on GCP.

The structure of a command is as follows:

npx remotion cloudrun render <serve-url> [<composition-id>] [<output-location>]
npx remotion cloudrun render <serve-url> [<composition-id>] [<output-location>]
  • The serve URL is obtained by deploying a Remotion project to a GCP Storage Bucket using the sites create command or calling deployService().
  • The composition ID. If not specified, the list of compositions will be fetched and you can choose a composition.
  • The output-location parameter is optional. If you don't specify it, the video is stored in your Cloud Storage bucket. If you specify a location, it gets downloaded to your device in an additional step.

Example commands

Rendering a video, passing the service name:

npx remotion cloudrun render tiles --service-name=remotion--3-3-82--mem512mi--cpu1-0--t-800
npx remotion cloudrun render tiles --service-name=remotion--3-3-82--mem512mi--cpu1-0--t-800

Using the site name as opposed to the full serve-url:

npx remotion cloudrun render test-site tiles --service-name=remotion--3-3-82--mem512mi--cpu1-0--t-800
npx remotion cloudrun render test-site tiles --service-name=remotion--3-3-82--mem512mi--cpu1-0--t-800

Passing in input props:

npx remotion cloudrun render test-site tiles --service-name=remotion--3-3-82--mem512mi--cpu1-0--t-800 --props='{"hi": "there"}'
npx remotion cloudrun render test-site tiles --service-name=remotion--3-3-82--mem512mi--cpu1-0--t-800 --props='{"hi": "there"}'



The GCP region to select. For lowest latency, the service, site and output bucket should be in the same region.


React Props to pass to the root component of your video. Must be a serialized JSON string (--props='{"hello": "world"}') or a path to a JSON file (./path/to/props.json).


One of:

  • "public" (default): The rendered media is publicly accessible under the Cloud Storage URL.
  • "private": The rendered media is not publicly available, but is available within the GCP project to those with the correct permissions.


Specify a specific bucket name to be used for the output. The resulting Google Cloud Storage URL will be in the format gs://{bucket-name}/renders/{render-id}/{file-name}. If not set, Remotion will choose the right bucket to use based on the region.


By default, each Cloud Run service renders with concurrency 1 (one open browser tab). You may use the option to customize this value.


Value between 0 and 100 for JPEG rendering quality. Doesn't work when PNG frames are rendered.


jpeg or png - JPEG is faster, but doesn't support transparency. The default image format is jpeg.


Scales the output frames by the factor you pass in. For example, a 1280x720px frame will become a 1920x1080px frame with a scale factor of 1.5. Vector elements like fonts and HTML markups will be rendered with extra details.


Specify a location for a dotenv file - Default .env. Read about how environment variables work in Remotion.


The file name of the media output as stored in the Cloud Storage bucket. By default, it is out plus the appropriate file extension, for example: out.mp4. Must match /([0-9a-zA-Z-!_.*'()/]+)/g.


Specify the url of the service which should be used to perform the render. You must set either cloud-run-url or service-name, but not both


Specify the name of the service which should be used to perform the render. This is used in conjunction with the region to determine the service endpoint, as the same service name can exist across multiple regions. You must set either cloud-run-url or service-name, but not both


h264 or h265 or png or vp8 or mp3 or aac or wav or prores. If you don't supply --codec, it will use h264.


Set which codec the audio should have. For defaults and possible values, refer to the Encoding guide.


Specify the target bitrate for the generated audio.
The syntax for FFMPEGs -b:a parameter should be used.
FFMPEG may encode the video in a way that will not result in the exact audio bitrate specified. Example values: 128K for 128 kbps, 1M for 1 Mbps.
Default: 320k


Specify the target bitrate for the generated video.
The syntax for FFMPEGs -b:v parameter should be used.
FFMPEG may encode the video in a way that will not result in the exact video bitrate specified.
This option cannot be set if --crf is set. Example values: 512K for 512 kbps, 1M for 1 Mbps.


Set the ProRes profile. This option is only valid if the codec has been set to prores. Possible values: 4444-xq, 4444, hq, standard, light, proxy. See here for explanation of possible values. Default: hq.


To set Constant Rate Factor (CRF) of the output. Minimum 0. Use this rate control mode if you want to keep the best quality and care less about the file size.


Set a custom pixel format. See here for available values.


Render only every nth frame. This option may only be set when rendering GIFs. This allows you to lower the FPS of the GIF.

For example only every second frame, every third frame and so on. Only works for rendering GIFs. See here for more details.


Set the looping behavior. This option may only be set when rendering GIFs. See here for more details.


Render a subset of a video. Example: --frames=0-9 to select the first 10 frames.